Creative Retrospectives

Creative Retrospectives Connexxo TrainingWhat is the most important element of Agility? The capability of inspecting and adapting your process, and the retrospective is where most of it happens.

For a team to shine it takes the right retrospective process. Very often it is important for the facilitator to choose creatively a format that fosters the team’s reflection capabilities.

Yet, in many cases, the facilitator uses just a handful of techniques, thus not really unleashing the full potential of the team.

In this two-day training we will look at many different ways to spice up retrospectives: from the role of the facilitator through various high-level tactics for structuring retrospectives and handling groups to discussing how change processes happen and how to accompany them.

Course Organisation

The training is a mix of frontal lesson, team reflections and practical activities directed to the integration of the learned content in the daily operations of the participants.

We will use plenty of case studies, where possible coming from the participants.

Target Group

It is especially suited for Scrum Masters and team leaders of organisations that have implemented or are implementing agile solutions in their company for whom facilitation is an important aspect of their role.


  • Retrospectives as tools for continuous improvement
  • The facilitator’s role(s)
  • The facilitator’s attitude
  • Role conflicts: facilitator and stakeholder
  • Sensing the group
  • Facilitating teams: divergent and convergent processes
  • What does your team need? How to accompany change processes
  • Devising team activities
  • Dealing with group dynamics
  • Strategically choosing the retrospective format
  • Solution focus in retrospectives
  • Metaphors in retrospectives
  • Practical tips

The course requires from the participants a basic experience in facilitating retrospectives and builds on that experience.

It can be delivered in English, German or Italian.
The training material is in English.

How to Book

The course is currently only available in-house.

If you are interested in having this course as an in-house or to get the upcoming dates for public courses –> please tell us about it and we’ll come back to you with updated information.