25/05/2017 - 27/05/2017
Tutto il giorno
La lingua del corso è l’inglese.
2nd International Software Craftsmanship and Testing Conference in Italy, 25 – 27 May 2017, Rimini, Italy
This event is about the sustainable creation of useful software in a responsible way.
The event will be run as a two day Open Space, facilitated by Pierluigi Pugliese.
It’s about People
Everyone who is concerned with coding, testing, code quality, software craftsmanship, if …
- you are passionate about software development and testing.
- you have already heard of Software Craftsmanship or even already are part of the growing community.
- you want to share your knowledge, experience and expertise.
It’s about Action
The event will be run as a non-profit, low-cost event. It will be much like a retreat. We will be there for 48 hours to collaborate and share ideas. There will be:
- Highly collaborative interactions
- A self-organized Open Space, with …
– hands-on coding sessions
– sessions focused on discussion
– interactive talks
– lots more
It’s about Fun
We will not only spend the days together but also the nights. And – believe it or not – programmers are a great company! There will be be lots of opportunities to spend your time. Starting with simple chilling over hiking and biking, playing games, hanging around, talking, laughing, …
Open Space means there is no agenda, or rather: you set the agenda. This is your time, make the best of it! For ideas about what you can do in advance have a look at this article. Facilitation will be in English. However, it will be possible to run sessions in other languages.
For more information, pricing and (pre)registration go to: