Talk with Angela Sanger @ Agile Business Day 2017

Date(s) - 16.09.2017

Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia

by Angela Sanger

Increasing business agility is not about applying new processes. It is not about creating teams that do twice the work in half the time. Using an agile framework doesn’t magically solve your problems. Scrum doesn’t say much about adoption but most people start here. Agile scaling frameworks are limited and confusing. Use cases of success like Spotify or Wikispeed are enviable but are far away from many people’s reality.

In this talk, I will share based on my experiences with enterprise and start-up agile adoptions, what you can do (or cannot do) in your role as a leader or team member in your organization.

Angela Sanger is an Agile Coach and Consultant and part of the Connexxo Team since 2016.

Agile Business Day – The Italian Agile conference for those managers who want to explore the business benefits and the challenges of adopting Agile methods in for-profit and non-profit companies, and in public administrations.

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