19:00 - 21:00
Milano eXtreme Programming User Group XPug-Mi presents:
Meetup: Getting Started with Legacy Code
(with Dave Nicolette)
Per l’incontro di Settembre abbiamo il piacere di ospitare un Technical Coach internazionale. A facilitare la serata ci sarà infatti Dave Nicolette, “life long learner” esponente americano delle metodologie agili e pratiche di eXtreme Programming fin dal 2002.
L’incontro sarà in lingua inglese.
Sarà una sessione in mob programming, quindi non c’è la necessità di configurare l’ambiente sui vostri PC.
12.09.2019 – 19:00-21:00
Le Village by CA Milano
Corso di Porta Romana, 61
20122 Milano
XP practitioners want to ensure software is modularized and loosely coupled. We normally use techniques like refactoring and unit testing to help us achieve those goals. Unfortunately, the majority of existing code in the world was not designed in this way. We often face monolithic code bases that have little or no test coverage. How can we start to break dependencies in the code and introduce unit tests?
Let’s explore practical approaches to the problem by refactoring an existing code base. We’ll use a Mob Programming format so that everyone has a chance to work at the keyboard and to function as navigator.
Here are some (contrived) legacy code snippets we can use to practice refactoring. Of course, we won’t have time to do all of these. We can choose one or two.
A list of several refactoring katas:
Our presenter:
Dave Nicolette has been involved with software development since 1977, and active in the Agile community since 2002. He presently works with Connexxo to support improvement in software development, delivery, and support practices as well as organizational structure and processes related to information technology.
A sponsorizzare questo incontro è Musement ( che ci ha gentilmente riservato una sala negli spazi del co-working “Le Village” vicino a Crocetta.