Meetup: Kanban for Software Teams – with Dave Nicolette

19:00 - 21:00

Connexxo Italia Academy

Milano eXtreme Programming User Group XPug-Mi presents:
Kanban for Software Teams – with Dave Nicolette

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The presentation will be in English.

What’s the talk about?
Kanban is a process based on Lean Thinking that is often presented as an alternative to Scrum for software teams. In this session, we’ll learn about the principles on which Kanban is based and how a Kanban process can be adapted to software development, delivery, and support. We’ll also explore different ways to visualize the Kanban process and see how to set up an effective Kanban board that can help a team manage its work. Finally, we’ll discuss the overlaps between Agile and Lean and between Scrum and Kanban, to understand how ideas from both can be combined in a useful way.

Dave has been involved with software development since 1977, and active in the Agile community since 2002. In 2019, he moved to Italy and started working for Connexxo Italia Srl. in Milan, to support improvement in software development, delivery, and support practices as well as organisational structure and processes related to information technology.

12.02.2020 / 19:00 – 21:00

Connexxo Italia Academy
Via Giosuè Carducci 125
Scala A, secondo piano
20099 Sesto San Giovanni MI

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