Visual Facilitation for Agilists

Visual Facilitation for Agilists Connexxo Training

[Oooops… stiamo ancora traducendo le pagine del sito e ci vorrà ancora qualche giorno prima che anche questa pagina sia in Italiano!]


One of the elements of good teamworking and a key element of an agile organisation is the presence of information “all around” the rooms: from burndown charts to design diagrams, from story mapping to collaborative brainstorming.

If you have already worked as a facilitator in such an environment, you have probably already realised how important it is to properly visualise the concepts and the process so that the people you are working with will be able to tap on your input and collaborate adequately.

Whether you are using post-its, flip charts or slides, the skill of visualising effectively information is an incredibly important one to have!

In this two-day training we will look at various techniques for visualising the information typically available in the context of an agile team, looking at both the basic drawing techniques and the logical organisation of the data that enables a team to easily use the information at hand.

The material presented can be used when facilitating the typical meetings of an agile organisation, be it IT-internal or when discussing with the business.

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Course Organisation

The training is a mix of frontal lesson and practical activities directed to the integration of the learned content in the daily operations of the participants.

Target Group

It is especially suited for ScrumMasters and team leaders of organisations who have implemented or are implementing agile solutions in their company.


  • Sorting and abstracting information
  • Information framing
  • Providing flexible visual information
  • Providing structure through visual 
  • Examples of workshop styles: 
story mapping, retrospectives
  • Flipchart techniques
  • Drawing options for flipcharts
  • Techniques for preparing slideshows

The course requires no previous experience in visual facilitation and it is intended for people who will operate as facilitators or trainers.

It can be delivered also as an in-house training and in English, German or Italian language.
The training material is in English.

Scheduled Courses

The course is available only in-house for now.

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