Leading Agile Organisations

Leading Agile Organisations Connexxo Training

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What does it mean leading an agile organisation? What does it mean being an agile leader?
How to ensure the management of a company optimally supports the agile teams?

This training will provide you with the answers! Leading Agile Organisations is a three days in- depth course that explores the most up-to-date leadership concepts applied in agile companies, contrasting the traditional role of the management with the needs of a high performance organisation.

Se siete interessati ad organizzare questo corso presso la vostra azienda –> contattateci e vi risponderemo al più presto.

Course Organisation

The training is a mix of frontal lesson, team reflections and practical activities directed to the integration of the learned content in the daily operations of the participants.

Target Group

It is especially suited for management teams of organisations who have implemented or are implementing agile solutions in their company.


  • Complex adaptive systems
  • Managing in complex systems
  • System thinking
  • Experiments in complex systems
  • Usage of system thinking tools to plan experiments
  • Continuous improvement as the basis of the agile organisation
  • Leadership models for agility: some visionary ideas
  • The role of the management in agility: mentor, coach, visionary, …
  • What is the right leadership mix for you?
  • Basic coaching techniques: leading by asking the right questions
  • Team dynamic
  • Scrum roles: when do they work and typical dysfunctions
  • Motivating employees: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • Congruent leadership
  • Leading and supporting change

Il corso può essere svolto in lingua italiana, inglese e tedesca.
Il materiale didattico è in inglese.

Formato del corso:

Il corso oltre ad essere pubblico è fruibile anche in-house.
Se siete interessati ad organizzare il corso nella vostra azienda –> contattateci, vi risponderemo quanto prima.