How to slowly destroy your organisation

  How to slowly destroy your organisation Here is a tip if you want to destroy your organisation: keep adding roles! I’ve seen it in many companies, and it is a typical slippery slope! Let’s discuss why and what the alternatives are. Back to the “beginning”: the agile team Think of a small company. Just … Leggi tutto

Coaching Organisations as Systems, i.e. Agile as a Systemic Change at the Scandinavian Developer Conference

At the Scandinavian Developer Conference I presented today some concepts useful for coaching at the organisational level. The basic idea behind this presentation is that thinking about agile at the team level is a necessary step, but not the only one needed in order to create an agile organisation. In a parallel presentation I argued … Leggi tutto

New Tools of the Craft – Workshop at the Turku Agile Day

Today, together with Mike Sutton (Twitter: @mhsutton), I ran a workshop called “New Tools of the Craft” at the Turku Agile Day. Here are the slides we showed and a selected bibliography… Click on the button to load the content from Load content Yes And… This is a concept coming from the Improvisation Theatre. … Leggi tutto


Have you ever wondered what makes Agile so special and so productive? My guess would be because it closes loops and allows fast and useful feedback. Extreme Programming is all about feedback, openly stated: pair programming, regression testing, continuous integration are all ways of generating the right feedback. Scrum is also based on feedback loops: … Leggi tutto