Creating and Deploying Team Activities

Creating Great TeamsTeam Activities Connexxo Training

As a Scrum Master your role is to create great teams by coaching them. But… what does this really mean? One of the ways to do this is using various team activities to “improve” the team and, in fact, in the Agile literature there is a whole lot of games and team activities to choose from. Still the question remains: when do you use which activity for which purpose? How do you tailor it to your team? What are the do’s and don’ts as facilitator? What if the needs of your team are not covered by the activities you know?

Our Answer…

In this two-day training we will look at how to create or adapt team activities that your team will love! We will also discuss what the most proper ways to facilitate such activities are in order to maximise learning and fun!

Course Organisation

The training is a mix of some frontal lesson and mostly practical activities directed to the integration of the learned content in the daily operations of the participants. We will use plenty of case studies, where possible coming from the participants.

Target Group

The course is intended for Scrum Masters and coaches.


  • Basic principles of working with team activities: how to do team and organisational development
  • Some useful techniques and attitudes when working with teams
  • Dealing with group dynamics
  • The various types of team activities
  • Creating new activities: purpose, mechanics, cultural fit, …
  • Deploy an activity: facilitation, framing and debriefing
  • Outdoor activities

How to Book

If you are interested in having this course as a in-house or to get the upcoming dates for public courses –> please tell us about it and we’ll come back to you with updated information.