Live Online + Self-Paced Option

At Your Own Pace

If you prefer to learn at your own pace, customising the course to your professional situation, we offer to deliver our advanced certified courses (A-CSM and A-CSPO) in Live Online + Self-Paced Mode.

In this case, the participants work via our e-learning platform at the speed they themselves deem appropriate.

Periodically there will be synchronisation points with teachers to reflect on the work done in e-learning, discuss new learning content and how to apply it to the participant’s own professional situation.

In this mode we anticipate about 20-30 hours of work on the e-learning platform, plus 8-10 hours of 1:1 sessions with one of our trainers, at least four of which will be delivered by a Certified Scrum Trainer.

How does it work:

After registration (selecting the Live-Online + Self-Paced option) and payment and an initial phone call with the trainer to discuss individual learning needs and expectations, the student(s) are given access to our learning platform where they will find the course activities and in-depth sessions to be completed at their preferred time and manner.

Depending on whether the course is taken in a small group or as an individual participant, debriefing and mentoring sessions are scheduled either in advance or progressively upon request with the trainer.

After successful completion of the exercises on the learning platform and the related debriefing and mentoring sessions the trainer confirms that the learning objectives were reached and registers the students for certification with Scrum Alliance.

If you are interested in taking one of our courses in Live Online + Self-Paced mode or would like to learn more about the option please feel free to –> contact us and we’ll come back to you as soon as possible.