Agile Organisations

We believe that agility is much more than just tools for software development: agility is a modern way of working in an organisation and at its boundaries: the days of big hierarchies and bureaucracy are long gone, as those organisations are not capable anymore of dealing with the challenges of today’s fast-paced markets. The modern dynamic organisation is one where people interact in a focused and efficient way in order to achieve business results and we understand well that agile methods are an incredibly powerful way to achieve what we call “the Agile Organisation”.

Our commitment is to help our clients reaching these goals by providing targeted consulting services. In doing that, sometimes we are more trainers, providing a comprehensive set of courses, sometimes more coaches, supporting the growth of feedback cycles in an organisation, sometimes we make available our experience in the field by mentoring our clients. And sometimes we help facilitating difficult discussions – which can be of great value to a team or organisation!

We are proud of this flexible way of doing consulting  – as we see how effective it is in supporting our clients on the journey to a modern organisation – the Agile Organisation! To understand in detail how we can help you, you can read about our services.

Connexxo Services

CoachingAssessing Agility: We have codified our experience in training, coaching and mentoring organisations in a series of assessments that could help you to understand how to improve your organisation at various levels: teams, ScrumMasters and Product Owners and the way the rest of the company is interacting with the IT department. >> read more

Agile ScalingScaling Agility: In the recent years agility seems to have become a mature reality also for “big organisations”. This has caused the proliferation of “frameworks” to extend agility in big reality. Do you want to know how you could scale agility in your organisation? We can help you to understand. >> read more

Coaching AgileAgile Coaching: When we support a company as coaches we guide them through a process of discovery of their own strength and weaknesses, thus we help them to understand better the way they work internally. Our services include business coaching, team coaching and coaching on an individual level for all roles as well as technical coaching whenever needed. >> read more

Agile MentoringAgile Mentoring: We have a long expertise in applying agility to concrete projects and organisations. As mentors we work together with your organisation bringing focused contextualised know-how to your projects. We do this by working with all the various professional figures, either individually or together as a team. >> read more

Connexxo TrainingsInhouse-Training: You can choose among one of the most comprehensive training programs of the industry: from basic courses to bring the initial knowledge of agile in your company to advanced courses for the various agile roles and the way they are performed to introductory and advanced courses focused on agile technical practices. >> read more

Workshop FacilitationWorkshop Facilitation: Is your organisation suffering from dysfunctional meetings? The bigger they are the worse they are working? We can help you by facilitating various types of meetings and workshops, including Product Inception, Roadmap and Release Planning, Open Space Conferences, Design Thinking Workshops etc. >> read more

Interested? –> Contact us!